Who are the students who won the national online safety competition, "Internet Heroes"?

We are delighted to announce that the 3rd edition of the national competition "Eroii Internetului" has come to an end! Over 2000 students and teachers, from 264 teams, competed this year to win the grand prize: The Eroii Internetului Trophy, a donation of 10 Chromebooks for their school, and a tablet for each team member.

The purpose of the "Internet Heroes" Competition

Every year, the competition aims to teach children how to spread positivity and navigate smartly in the online environment. The internet is a boundless place of learning and socializing opportunities, but without the right guidance, it can become an unfriendly place for children. 

In this regard, the Eroii Internetului competition challenged students to learn through play. The youngsters had to create an awareness campaign, starting from one of the themes for online safety: share with caution, don't be fooled, secure your secrets, it's cool to be kind, and if in doubt, ask. In the end, they shared what they learned with other students and teachers from their school.

We congratulate all participants, students, teachers, and parents alike. We thank all the organizations, partners, and friends from the media who helped us spread the benefits of the entire Eroii Internetului Program for the education of students in Romania.  

This year's winners are🥁

Honorable Mentions:
Team "Prietenii Eroiilor Internetului" from Hârsești School, Argeș.

Team "Cărăbuşii Năzdrăvani" from Mihai Eminescu Elementary School, Râmnicu Vâlcea.

Team "ANTI-SCAMMERS" from the Bilingual Theoretical High School Miguel de Cervantes, Bucharest.

🏆3rd Place goes to Team "Gardienii Lumii Online" from School No. 169, Bucharest.

🏆2nd Place is awarded to Team "NetEmpatia" from Ioan Petrus Theoretical High School, Ilfov.

🏆1st Place goes to Team "Justiţiarii InterNETului" from Carol I Theoretical High School, Fetești.

🎉Congratulations to all participants for their hard work! Thank you to the teachers and parents who understood how important it is to support and guide children in making the wisest decisions on the internet! 

Internet safety is becoming a top priority 

This is evidenced by the increasing attention given to the topic by teachers and parents. The "Eroii Internetului" competition was yet another opportunity to contribute to creating a safe online environment. This joint effort has helped children understand the importance of protecting personal information, recognize what is real or fake on the internet, secure their information, and adopt positive online behaviors.

We are proud that Adfaber succeeded again this year in promoting a culture of online safety among students, teachers, and parents.

The Romanian Police stands alongside Adfaber

Since the last edition, the Romanian Police, through the Institute for Crime Research and Prevention, visited schools and spoke to children about online safety, based on the Eroii Internetului program. This year, representatives of this institution visited schools all over the country, and the initiative was well received by students, parents, and teachers.

Student safety online, one of the priorities of the Ministry of Education 

  • We signed a Protocol with the Ministry of Education, aiming at organizing and promoting digital educational programs and online safety among students and teachers. The objectives of this protocol are: the prevention and combat of bullying and cyberbullying, promoting inclusion, STEAM education, and entrepreneurship.
  • The "Internet Heroes" competition was introduced in the national school competitions calendar for 2023. 
  • We have created the "Eroii Internetului" optional course, which has already been adopted by hundreds of teachers throughout the country. 

The importance of parental involvement in children's education 

Thank you to all the organizations, our sponsor Google, and our media friends who helped us spread the benefits of the entire Eroii Internetului Program for the education of students in Romania.

This year, we focused more on raising awareness among parents and taught them how to approach online discussions with their children, offering them free training, advice, and educational resources.

At least once a month, we appeared in shows dedicated to families, in which we engaged parents in discussions about children's online safety. 

We paid more attention to informing vulnerable groups  

We visited the Special Elementary School No. 4 in Bucharest, where we met a group of teachers dedicated to educating children with disabilities. Everything they do for these children comes from pure love and the desire to protect, encourage, and challenge them every day.

Through the "Internet Heroes" program, children understood what online safety is and why it's important to protect their accounts by encrypting their passwords.

The game Interland challenged them to play while, at the same time, made them aware of the pitfalls they might encounter on the internet. 

The visit to Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Chirnogi cu copii romi was a joyous occasion for us where we had discussions with the students about internet safety.

We talked to them about how they can spread positivity and how to keep their personal data safe. 

What we aim for next

We are focusing on increasing awareness of online dangers and on developing children's education about internet safety. 

The main objective is for every school in Romania to include online safety as part of their curriculum. In addition, we will dedicate even more resources and attention to vulnerable groups, children with special needs, children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and the Romi communities. 

We aim to contribute to a more educated and safe Romania and continue our efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of our children.

See you next year at the next edition of "Internet Heroes"!

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