We help students develop those skills
which are missing from the Romanian school system

Be part of the change you want for education in Romania

Education today is a competition for students' attention.
What does the education of the future look like?


We are rethinking what we teach students

Education – at all levels – must evolve to teach children the skills they need to thrive in a changing world. Many of the jobs that today's students will be working in don't even exist yet.
Fiecare elev trebuie să aibă șansa să dezvolte competențe digitale.


We are rethinking how we teach to students

Collaborative learning, based on projects and challenges, adapted to today's students' attention span, which according to the latest studies is only 8 seconds. Interactive learning – leveraging technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality to bring subjects to life and engage students in a subject.


Educators of the future

Technology is transforming education and classrooms, and as a teacher, you need to be prepared. With students able to access knowledge with a few taps on their phone, tablet or computer, we help teachers prepare and redefine their role in the classroom.

Adfaber projects with specialists

Be Internet Awesome

Help your students or your family be safe and smart online. How do we talk to kids about online safety?

Technovation girls

Please tell us the name of a female CEO in technology from Romania. We know, you can't! Discover how we manage to change Romania's future.

The Girls Code- Breaking Barriers

Este o inițiativă dedicată sprijinirii și încurajării fetelor în tehnologie. Programul este organizat de Asociația Adfaber, sprijinit de Google

Hour of Code

It all starts with an hour. What it would be like to discover a passion that totally transforms your life after just one hour of programming

Fake kNOw More

Copiii din comunitatea ta știu să recunoască și să combată informațiile false?

ADFABER Scholarships

If you knew that there is a solution that can totally change the lives for children whose only chance is education, would you agree to contribute?

We help students and teachers develop those digital skills needed today but also tomorrow

Be part of the change you want for education in Romania


Technology has transformed the way we learn, create or consume information, making one thing very clear: We cannot imagine a future where technology is not deeply embedded in every aspect of our lives

Children without financial means or from areas with limited access to technology deserve the opportunity to benefit from Adfaber's educational resources. At Adfaber, we believe in empowering communities through technology. We're committed to helping people understand and learn how to use technology for a better life.

National Competitions

Discover the competition where students can validate their knowledge in database modeling.

Java is the most widely used programming language in the world, and students in Romania learn the basics as early as middle school.

High school students have the opportunity to delve into the world of Java programming with Greenfoot. 

How can students transform the world with the help of technology? Discover the projects created each year. 

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