With great enthusiasm, the Adfaber Association announces the winners of the ninth edition of the competition "Learn to Program with Alice", featuring the innovative theme "Educational Applications for Children with Special Educational Needs".
This year, we challenged young tech enthusiasts to use the Alice platform to create educational applications, games, or interactive stories to support the learning process of kids with special needs. Over 400 students responded to the challenge with exceptional creativity, demonstrating an impressive combination of technical knowledge and sensitivity to the needs of kids with special educational requirements.
Who participated in Learn to Program with Alice in 2023
Every year, the National Competition ''Learn to program with Alice", sponsored by Oracle Academy, offers students from all over the country, from V-XII grades, the ideal opportunity to take their first steps in the Java programming language.
This year's competition included both experienced participants who already know the basics of the Java programming language and delight the judges every year, and students who have now discovered this opportunity and have turned their time at home on the computer into a learning experience.
The competition jury carefully analyzed each submitted project, taking into account adherence to the theme, the effort made, the complexity of the projects, and creativity. As a result of the judging process, 3 projects were awarded in the high school category and 3 projects in the middle school category, which we will present below.
Winners Learn to program with Alice from 2023, high school category
3rd place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, high school category
The Pixel Syndicate team, with the project Rapid Action, ranked 3rd! The project was created by students Vasile Alexandru Florin and Barbu Andrei from the Benjamin Franklin Theoretical High School in Bucharest, under the guidance of teacher Dinescu Nicoleta.
2nd place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, high school category
The Rainbow Builders team, with the project Rainbow Rush 2: Castle Escape, ranked 2nd! The project was created by Alexie Eduard-Valentin and Dobre Bogdan Andrei from the Matei Basarab National College of Informatics in Rm. Vâlcea, under the guidance of teacher Ochia Florin Cristian.
1st place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, high school category
The Frații Cod team, with the project Visit to the Moon, ranked 1st! The project was created by Tița Mihai and Ionescu Darius from the Ienăchiță Văcărescu National College in Târgoviște, under the guidance of teacher Vlad Cătălina
The winners of Learn to Program with Alice 2023, middle school category
3rd place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, middle school category
The Coresi Team, with the project Educational Games with Animals, ranked 3rd! The project was created by students Ungureanu Herman Andrei and Ivan Andreea Bianca from Coresi Secondary School in Târgoviște, under the guidance of teacher Floroiu Daniela.
2nd place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, middle school category
The BestCrew team, with the project Family Dinner, ranked 2nd! The project was created by Turcu Răzvan Cristian and Lițescu Rareș Andrei from Alexandru Davila Secondary School in Pitești, under the guidance of teacher Dijmarescu Cristina.
1st place at the Learn to Program with Alice 2023 competition, middle school category
The MathMasters team, with the project Temple of Numbers, ranked 1st! The project was created by Vișan Antonio Sorin and Bărbuță Damian Alexandru from Adrian Păunescu Secondary School in Pitești, under the guidance of teacher Dijmarescu Cristina.
The winning teams talk about their projects and their participation in the competition in the video below:
See you next year
Congratulations to all participants! Your effort is an important step in a highly sought-after field. All you have now discovered are skills that will stand you in the digitalized world we live in.
We look forward to seeing you again next year!
About Adfaber, the competition's organizer
ADFABER.org is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the digital skills of students and teachers in public schools. Every year, they organize initiatives that promote the integration of technology into the educational process, playing a significant role in shaping the future IT talents.
About Oracle Academy, the competition's sponsor
Oracle's educational branch, called Oracle Academy, aims to foster the growth of technological education and make it accessible to students worldwide by providing them with information, innovation, skill enhancement, and exposure to a variety of tech fields. Additionally, it offers a comprehensive portfolio of software, curriculum, hosted technology, training courses, support, and certification resources for educational institutions in 110 countries.